Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Those Pesky Allergies

Whether seasonal or year long allergies plague you, you are certainly not alone - allergies affect more than 50 Million people in the US and can have side effects ranging from very mild to potentially deadly. Allergies are caused by an unusually high sensitivity and reaction to an ordinary or usually harmless substance. When an allergic person comes into contact with a substance they are allergic to, their body treats the substance as a harmful intruder, causing the body to react with symptoms that most allergy suffers have to content with - itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, congestion and difficulty breathing. Though methods of curing allergies has not yet been found, there are several options at the pharmacy counter that can alleviate those pesky symptoms. Though the selection may seem endless, there are several key elements you should look for when selecting an antihistamine for your needs.

1. Cost - Cost is always a big factor when purchasing medications over the counter. Most medications, brand name or not, are made from the same basic chemical make up. Determine how often allergy symptoms need to be treated, the number of pills coming in a pack, the recommended dose for treatment and the features of each brand to determine what size and cost you are willing to dole out. It is often the case that when a store brand is compared to its brand name counter part, there is no difference. Going with the store brand can save you a bundle.

2. Features - Some antihistamines focus on different types of allergies, mainly grouped into either indoor or outdoor. If you suffer from only one of these groups, go for a medication that treats this group specifically - otherwise you could be taking medication that you simply do not need. Many treatments, however, claim all-allergy-treatment, a good option for you if you suffer from many types of allergies.

3. Side Effects - The medicine used in antihistamines often cause drowsiness, and if there is no specific label telling you that it is a "Non-Drowsy Formula" it is most likely going to make you sleepy. If you need to be alert and aware during the time you are on antihistamines, you may want to consider spending a little extra on a treatment that wont leave you groggy or tired. These formulas often do a better job of making your allergy ridden self feeling just like new.

A great all-round, inexpensive brand you might try is:

Benadryl Allergy & Sinus Headache Caplets, 24-Count Boxes (Pack of 4)

Though allergies can be a nuissence, they don't have to be a problem. Looking for the right antihistamine can be your best bet on relieving those annoying symptoms!

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